covid-19 - how will we be caring for you?
The Queensland border is now open. It remains our top priority to keep our patients, staff and community safe during this time, as such we have made some changes to the way we care for you and your family.
Please read the following information carefully to ensure you understand what is required to attend our clinic.
appointment Booking
The Gympie Clinic has increased our offering of video and telehealth services. These services were initially designed as part of as governments response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In December 2021 it was announced that telehealth and video consulting would become a permanent part of primary healthcare.
It is preferable that patients book telephone or video consultations as opposed to the traditional face to face appointments. Before you book your appointment we ask that you consider what model of appointment is best for the issue you are seeking care for. Your doctor may choose to swap you to a telehealth appointment if suitable. Please contact our reception team to determine if a telehealth or video consult is more suitable for your needs.
If you choose to book an in clinic appointment there will be a number of pre-booking questions regarding symptoms, vaccination and Covid-19 status. It is important to answer these questions honestly at this time so as to avoid future disappointment.
conditions of entry
** As of January 2024 these conditions to entry have been eased. We still ask patients with cold/flu symptoms or those who have tested positive to Covid-19 to contact the clinic to receive instructions on visiting **
The following directives are not negotiable and must be followed by all staff, patients and visitors of The Gympie Clinic.
Appropriate face mask must be worn
QR check in with Check In Qld app when directed by Queensland Health / Queensland Government (can be done manually as required)
Temperature check with temperature <37.5C
Sanitise hands on arrival
Fully vaccinated with an approved Covid-19 vaccine (7 days post 2nd dose) *
Be free of any Covid-19 or respiratory symptoms, not under any directive to self isolate or quarantine, not returned from any hotspots or close contact areas as defined by relevant authorities and have had no contact with a suspected or confirmed positive Covid-19 case.
*Unvaccinated patients, please see the relevant information further down the page
When you arrive for your appointment you will be taken through these conditions by a member of our reception team. It is crucial that you answer their questions truthfully and show the appropriate certificates as required by Queensland Government.
It is also our preference that all patients over 16 years of age attend their appointment on their own or with 1 fully vaccinated support person.
Any patient or visitor that refuses to comply with these requests, does not pass the temperature check, show correct vaccination proof or give a satisfactory response to the questions asked by our reception team will be required to exit the clinic and either have their appointment transferred to telehealth / video consulting or cancelled.
Patients who are rude, threatening or abusive in any way will be removed from the clinic with relevant authorities contacted.
mask wearing
** As of January 2024 these conditions to entry have been eased. We still ask patients with cold/flu symptoms or those who have tested positive to Covid-19 to contact the clinic to receive instructions on visiting **
ALL staff, patients and visitors over the age of 12 to The Gympie Clinic are required to be wearing an appropriate face mask before entering the facility. This means you need to fit your mask before entering and it must remain on during the duration of your time in the clinic. If you do not have a mask with you for your appointment, you may obtain one from the reception and this may incur a charge.
It is preferable that if you have a medical exemption you discuss this with reception upon the booking of your appointment. Medical exemptions must be shown to reception and at the discretion of your clinician.
proof of vaccination (covid-19)
** As of January 2024 these conditions to entry have been eased. We still ask patients with cold/flu symptoms or those who have tested positive to Covid-19 to contact the clinic to receive instructions on visiting **
From Friday December 17th new Queensland Government restrictions will begin requiring ALL staff, patients and visitors over the age of 16 to provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination upon arrival at The Gympie Clinic. You are only considered fully vaccinated 7 days after you have received 2 doses of an approved Covid-19 vaccine.
Acceptable forms of Proof of Vaccination as per the Queensland Government are:
• A digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccination certificate linked to your Check In Qld app.
• A printed copy of your COVID-19 digital vaccination certificate, your immunisation history statement, or your international COVID-19 vaccination certificate.
• Accessing your COVID-19 digital vaccination certificate through the Medicare app, from your Medicare-linked MyGov account, or My Health Record.
Please see the link below for more information on how to access your Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate:
If you are unable to provide proof you will be required leave the clinic and book telehealth or a video consult.
The Gympie Clinic may be able to provide you with a copy of your vaccination certificate in certain circumstances.
unvaccinated patients / visitors
** As of January 2024 these conditions to entry have been eased. We still ask patients with cold/flu symptoms or those who have tested positive to Covid-19 to contact the clinic to receive instructions on visiting **
Unvaccinated patients, or patients who have only received 1 dose of an approved Covid-19 vaccine will be able to enter the clinic for the following reasons:
To attend a medical appointment
As the parent, caregiver or guardian of a child under 16 years of age
Unvaccinated visitors who do not fit this criteria will be unable to enter the clinic.
Unvaccinated patients will be asked to initially book a Telehealth or video consult with their doctor. As this is not always possible some unvaccinated patients will be able to attend in person appointments providing the following steps are followed:
Patients over 16 must attend appointment alone or with 1 fully vaccinated support person only
Patients under 16 can be accompanied by 1 unvaccinated caregiver but they are both required to remain outside the clinic building, notify reception that you have arrived by telephone and reception will call you through when your clinician is ready
Fulfill all other ‘Conditions of Entry’ criteria as listed at the top of the page
Please contact our reception team if you require clarification on any of these requirements.
symptoms / what to do if you have symptoms?
Any patient, regardless of vaccination status or age, who is experiencing any cold and flu or respiratory symptoms must not attend the clinic. You will be required to book a telehealth or video consult with your doctor. It is also recommended that you follow the appropriate Covid-19 testing requirements from Queensland Health.
If you require more urgent medical care or face to face care we recommend you present to your nearest hospital Emergency Department or a government funded Respiratory Clinic to avoid delay in receiving treatment and where staff have access to full Personal Protective Equipment. Please click here to find your nearest respiratory clinic or testing facility.
Covid-19 / Respiratory Symptoms
Fever or chills
Sore throat
Runny / blocked nose
Shortness of breath
Aches and pains
Sudden or new loss of smell / taste
Nausea and/or vomiting
This list is not exhaustive and we suggest you contact reception if you are unsure if your symptoms may limit your access to the clinic.
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