The Gympie Clinic

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Flu Shots now available at The Gympie Clinic

Flu shots are now available at The Gympie Clinic. We have been starting to give patients the free Influenza vaccination as of last week. This year there are a few changes to the government flu shots. The following groups of people are eligible for the free government flu vaccination:

  • All Children from 6 months to 5 years of age (This is new this year. It is also recommended that children under the age of 9 years have two vaccinations one month apart in their first year of receiving the shots)

  • All Adults from age 65 (This year it is advised that you receive the free Fluad or FluZone vaccination. Even though it is trivalent not quadvalent which means it covers 3 strains instead of 4, the vaccination itself is meant to provide a stronger immune response and the fourth strain covered in the quadvalent vaccinations are not deemed to be a particular risk this year)

  • Patients with certain chronic diseases including Diabetes, Heart Disease, Lung Disease, Neurological conditions and those patients whose immune system is suppressed

  • Pregnant women

  • Most Indigenous patients

It is advisable for everyone over the age of 6 months to be vaccinated this year. If you are not eligible for the public Influenza vaccination, you can still have a private flu shot which costs $20. Our wonderful nurses will be running dedicated clinics to administer the flu vaccination but also ensure that your medical file is up to date with our accreditation standards. You can also book an appointment with one of our doctors who can also arrange you to have your flu shot.

If you would like to book in for a flu shot, please book online or call us at the Gympie Clinic on (07) 5482 8422.